Did you know?

If you live within Wigan Borough or within a 10 mile radius you can hire one of our Ardo Calypso breastpumps.

We offer 7 days free hire with the purchase of a single user sterile pumpset for only £12.

This pump can also be used as a double pump with the purchase of a second pumpset.  We offer a discounted price of £20 for 2 pumpsets when purchased together.

While the pumpset/s become your property on purchase, the breast pump, power lead and storage bag remain the property of Breastfeeding Together at all times. You will be required to provide your own milk collection/storage bottles, bags or pots. The pumps fit a bottle with a standard neck size which are readily and cheaply available. Pumps can be delivered within Wigan Borough for the cost of £4 or collected from our office at Wigan Investment Centre.

At the end of the 1 week initial loan period you have the following options:

  1. If demand permits, this period may be extended at a cost of £1 per day with a minimum term of extension of 7 days, payable in advance.
  2. Purchase from us a Kombikit to convert your pumpset to a manual hand breast pump at a cost of £14.
  3. Return the breast pump to Breastfeeding Together’s office or alternatively we can collect at a cost of £4.
Please contact us in the first instance for more information or to arrange your pump loan.

Once your order is confirmed payment can be made by cash on delivery/collection or by PayPal. If choosing this option please try to ensure you have correct change available.